In discussion with Satya we decided to come up with a list of learning indicators that we can use to understand learning ability of children.
I also decided to share perspective/understanding of Play for Peace and Experiential Learning with new recruits and with Govind(Sujeevak) who is coordinating the project.
Following are the glimpses of how we spent our first few days!
Day 1 / June 19' 2013
Saurabh and Shyam came today, promising young people.
I spent time with them first trying to understand what they understand their role to be.
Then I was trying to do some kind of mind mapping with them to help them connect with different aspects of what and why,

Then a started talking about baseline, we agreed that
education is the focus and so I asked them how do you define education
and I was happy to hear their response which was not limited to
curriculum but they also mentioned rights education and learning about
our social situations.
So then I asked them to think about how will be know
where to start, where are children at right now, we talked about
reading/writing and how we can assess that, and they said its not enough
so I asked them to think of what other issues we need to look at to see
where they are and what their learning needs are.

we had
मतलब समझना/comprehension
जिज्ञासा जाहिर करना(curiosity)
आपसी मेल/Interpersonal intelligence
so almost on similar lines, what do you say?
I have asked them to think of more issues
I offered them a problem solving activity 'traffic jam' and explained
the experiential learning cycle through it. we spent probably 90 minutes
doing it.
I have asked them to document their experience by writing
it down and have also given them something to explore as they go back
today.(asking 5 people what comes to their mind when they here "mango
tree" and observing the difference in their response)
tomorrow I am thinking of doing left and right brain with them to expand their understanding.
have also told them that in case Govind and the 3rd person comes
tomorrow that will have to explain what we did today to them.
I was also thinking about how to help them
gain experience in gaming/Play for Peace, can they visit places where
play session can happen for them to learn by participating.
They left at around 4 as it takes them 2-3 hrs to
get back and they said they will be able to come by 10.30 tomorrow so
that they can get their own tiffiens (packed lunch). I asked them to come with their
lunch as today they had to go out.
Ashok ji(Account and Admin Person of CSEI) was talking to them about it, I think explaining how
trainings are different and coming to office people manage their own
They were also saying that Govind had talked
about visiting the field so I asked them if they don't here from him
they can come to the office as we have a lot to learn.
that's about sums up today!
I am thinking about indicators and will share with you my thoughts soon.Agyat
The response of Satya and Annie
Satya(Director CSEI Bihar)
It is indeed a great day and I am sure it's a huge learning
opportunity for these promising young people and many more like him.

Anni Namala(Executive Director) of CSEI India

I am looking forward to this process so that we can develop an adequate pedagogy for our children
Annie Namala
Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion
Day 2/ June 20'2013
Saurabh shared with Govnd what we did y'day.

We then talked about observation and judgement, so that we are able to report our observation when we do baseline and not conclusion.
asked Saurabh to make observation about me, he said "you were senior"
and that gave me an opportunity to explain the difference. So next when I
asked him to make observation about the office he was very alert and
spoke about objects that were visible.
Then I asked them to make some observation about children and
we wrote it down. Both of them said things and then we looked at which
ones were observation and the one's that were not we tried converting
them into observation.
Hopefully all of them will come
tomorrow. Pratima ji had come in the evening and Govind and they
discussed Saturday for field visit for the CC's to experience Khel Se Mel(Play for Peace).
I have asked Govind to share his challenges with me tomorrow to see how I can support him.
Well! that's about today.
also asked Noopur to help me find a apartment and I also posted an add
on quicker and got a response for a house somewhere in this locality.
Will try and see it today if possible or tomorrow!
so things are happening!

Day 3 / June 21'2013
All 3 turned up today, the 3rd person is
Niranjan and not Indrajeet. He is quite an introvert and I hope will
open up more as we work more together.
Saurabh has opened up and so has Shyam and I think over a period of time they will start speaking their mind. 

We then did a communication activity where I asked one
person to draw a figure using ice cream stick and instruct others to
make the similar figure. Obviously they were sitting with their back to
each other.
Saurabh made an arrangement where he put all 10 sticks
together and made 3 squares and 1 triangle. When it came to
communicating he just said, " 3 squares and one triangle". That is it
and he left it for them to try and make the same arrangement. They never
checked if the resource was same. Shyam and Niranjan had 11 sticks,
they first tried making 3 square and one triangle separately. they kept
attempting different things and eventually came very close but not
same...also they used more resource.
While reflecting Shyam said he knew that they had 11 and that I spoke of 10 but he assumed that Saurabh will also have 10!
they looked at what they did, the first instinct of Saurabh was to
blame. Then when I asked them how did this happen they agreed that there
was gap in what instructions were given and in checking back.
We did the activity again this time asking Niranjan to give
instruction, also this time I made the design. Niranjan just could not
make the start and was clueless, so Shyam took over and instructed. Once
they said they had finished I asked them if they have checked what is
been done. So Saurabh explained to Shyam what he had understood. Final
product was again different.
So now I asked them to sit side by side and asked Shyam to
give instruction. I pointed to him how if instructions were not specific
their is lack of clarity and different things will happen.
we talked about feedback, they were not familiar with the word and
there is hardly any parallel word in Hindi (प्रतिपुष्टि sounds like
something to eat). Anyway I explained to them how one way communication
or linear uni direction flow is what normally happens and how for the
message to reach in its true intent to the receiver the process has to
be circular and that's where feedback comes in.
Then using the coin exercise( one we used in last ASF
training) we demonstrated how in communication there is no failure only
feedback. They agreed that if message is not understood the onus is on
sender. We talked about how if a child does not understand something it
is a feedback to teacher to change the way message is given. So if 25
children fail in a class of 30 the teacher need to be assessed as having
performed only 20% or so!

When I demo'd it with Niranjan it was quite challenging as
for a long time he didn't see any meaning of the signal. On couple of
occasion he just opened his eyes.his uncertainty also affected my
communication and I was not able to establish a pattern. Finally he
managed. We then asked him to instruct Shyam and again he was just not
ready to do it. So Saurabh tried with Shyam and exhausted himself and I
had to jump in. It was quite a task to communicate a pattern and again
took a long time before Shyam reached. it was an interesting experience
as it was too much a stretch for them to process signals that did not
mean anything to them. While talking about it we focused on how if the
receiver is not understanding it is a clear cut feedback to try
different things.
Shyam reminded me that I had said we will look at how to
document the activity. So together we discussed and I showed them the
format in which to write the activity. (picture - Traffic jam). I asked
them to write the other activities we have done by themselves.

Then we looked at couple of more example (seeing a tiger the
child got scared) one of them said observation and the other said
judgement, Saurabh explained why he is calling it a judgement and when I
said what will be an observation he explained that "feet started
shivering" will be an observation.
In the end I told them that it is essential for them to
maintain a diary and write down every day's impression at the end of the
day, I said all we need is 10 minutes to do that.
Govind explained what is expected and verbally offered them a format they can use.
I think I will remind them again to ensure they start writing.
yes, Saurabh asked if he can take the print out of left-right brain
attributes that I had shared with him y'day. I asked him to explain it
to Shyam and Niranjan as they go back and come back with questions next
time we meet.
Wow! this is longer then I imagined, do comment if you see any possibilities of what I can offer them in the days I am here.
In PeaceDay 4/ June 22
Field visit
We went to Sakrecha today for a play
session for Shyam, Saurabh and Niranjan to have a first hand
experience of Play for Peace.
There were few women and girls and some
young boys were there, Around 20 of us. Sunil started the session and
he was quite tentative in his body language. He then looked at me for
support, I was reluctant to jump in but I realized the objective is
for our CC's to have an experience so then I took over and played few
games. Pratima asked a girl to play a game and she did. Couple of
other girls wanted to play one of their favourite so played that
also(mera gadha kharidogay). Pratima ji's son played 'oh my chichi'.

After the session I asked them what was
the experience like,
all of them said it was nice,
Saurabh said this is very helpful to
Shyam said he was nervous about what is
going on but eventually his anxiety disappeared.
Niranjan said it was first of its kind
experience for him and he enjoyed. All of them agreed to that.
I asked them what difference they see
in these games from what we normally call games
Shyam immediately said there is nothing
like winning or loosing in these games, Saurabh said he was making
mistakes on purpose to get more opportunities.
Saurabh said everyone was getting a
chance and they were all participating
they said it will help them connect
with children easily
children can learn through games
I asked them if they have written their
diary, Niranjan said he has not. So I again reasserted that they have
to maintain a diary. Saurabh showed that he had written the games we
had played yesterday. I again asked them to go through the left-right
brain write up I had given and come up with questions.
Now when they come on Monday I will
give them a write up about Play for Peace to understand the process
and the values.
I might also do a behaviour contract
with them.
If we have a full office, 7-8 people
including them I wonder if we can play in the office for 45-60
Tomorrow is Sunday ! may be I will write some recipe if I cook something! :-0
Having Fun
AgyatDay 5/ June 25' 2013
I gave both of them a write up about Khel se Mel
and asked them to go through it and ask question in case of doubts. They
asked for few clarity and later I asked them to explain to Govind what
they have understood. We also talked about the core values of Khel se
I also showed them an example of how a chapter in text book
needs to be converted in an activity. It was in a format with objective
of the activity and steps of how to do it.
I also
asked them to list what are the different aspect of a children's growth
and they came up with a list that had physical, mental, Social
development, there were some other heads that we discussed falling into
Mental growth. I asked them if something is missing and introduced
'emotional growth' we had a long chat where I spoke about emotional
growth and how our upbringing comes in our way of emotional growth.
It did get their attention, and they also picked up books and
started imagining how it can be dome experientially. We discussed that
in a little detail. 
Day 6/ June 26' 2013
Today the 2 people came
to stay for next few days so that we can spend more time. Govind also
joined and we did many activities today.
I asked them to make
picture cards using newspaper cutting.
Munna(Animator from Sasaram who has been in our trainings in last 2 years) shared how to
make a paper cap with them.
I took them through two
story making exercise.
The one line each where
in a sequence we say one line each and the next person has to take it
forward by adding their one line and so on. There was an initial
struggle as they were unsettled by the twist and turns everyone was
The next was the paper
piece story where all of us had a piece of paper that we identified
as representing something. I then told them that these are our
characters on which we have to write a story. As we proceeded Nirnjan
displayed an uncanny sense of humour that caught us by surprise and
They were happy with
the experience and said they had not imagined the possibility of
working on stories.
We then discussed
elements of a story and different kind of stories. I first asked them
to discuss what do a story have. Once they had a list I offered them
a structured understanding bu explaining 5W and 1H (What, Where, Who,
When, Why and How).
While talking about
different kind of stories we used the story premise of Rabbit and
tortoise and I demonstrated how the same story with twist can become
a comedy, a mystery, a whodunit, a fantasy or any such thing.
Then I asked them to
pick up 6 picture cards from 25 they had made and asked them to write
a story
While discussing what
it means to them to have done this activity and how does it apply in
their work, they said some subjects can be taught through stories. I
asked them if science or maths can be done, they were not sure so I
gave them an example of how and they liked the idea.
Munna Jha from
greenpeace was visiting the office and he sat down with them and had
a conversation about journalism and alternative media and showed them
an initiative of audio reporting where people can just record voice
and how it can be shared with the website and uploaded. He asked them
what issues they have and they shared with him their views.

We then had a play
session and I asked them to document all the games.
In the night I asked
them to pick up any topic in any subject and imagine what will be the
objective for children to learn about that topic. I told them that
that will be the starting point of converting topic content into an
activity. They worked on a topic water and Saurabh drew a flow chart
of how a dialogue with question can trigger understanding of the
topic that the chapter aims at.
I had thought about
sharing multiple intelligence concept with them and do a behavior
contract so that the issue of time can be bought to table and
ownership be shared. Didn't happen today so those are two priorities
for tomorrow.
Still have to do more
work on observation so may be will do observation activity with them.
In Peace
Day 7/ June 27' 2013
Started the day with bit of gaming
involving Munna and then Govind and Ashok ji.
Actually the day started earlier with
Munna sharing with them his experience about conducting training.
1) a game where first partners balance
each other to stretch and sit, lean on each other.

3) Observation game
we again reflected on observation a bit
talking about what it means and how challenging and talked about how
it can help us in our work with children
I again asked them to list observation
about the rope pull activity. We then spent a significant time
distinguishing between observation and assessment.
We talked extensively about it and
worked on changing some assessment into observation,
Govind lead part of the discussion to
get into observation.
We also spent quite a lot of time on
multiple intelligence. Once I shared the concept with them they got
very engaged and I gave them a write up and we discussed it in detail
imagining examples. Making observation about self, others .
Govind facilitated part of the discussion when I stepped out.
Govind facilitated part of the discussion when I stepped out.

For each category we also reflected on what kind of people have that intelligence. Many times we thought about how a particular intelligence will reflect in a child's appearance/behavior and how we can create learning experience that combine/involves many intelligences .
We broke down musical intelligence into
its elements, the melody, rhythm, harmony, composition etc and
connected in to things like juggling as having a rhythm/pattern.

We talked in detail about logical
intelligence when mention of scientific approach came in. We
discussed why questioning is discouraged in current system and how
it's a tool for keeping the staus-quo.
Towards the evening after playing a
short initiative I introduced behavior contract and asked them to
imagine the time, the children, commitment , scope, agreement and
then reflect on what will help them to work together and what will
come in their way.
Making it actionable- for a lot of things
they mentioned I asked them to dig deeper to come to specifics so that
it is clear what actions of an individual will support or block their
working together.

I also asked Govind to share with them
organization/procedural needs like reporting that has to happen. I also
Saurabh and Niranjan to think about what will come in their way of
informing and after a little pushing they were able to put, "not getting
salary in time" as a road block, they also added weekly holiday as a
need to help their functioning.
I also shared with them that since they are
just starting and still not worked in the field they can revisit their
ement later and make changes.
ement later and make changes.
Showed Niranjan the film about "khel se Mel" as he was not there on day one when I have shown it.

I wrote most of this yesterday fighting with my eyelids, but it had to wait till now so that I can complete it!
Now I am wondering if I need to start a blog...... to share this more ?
any opinions please?
In Peace
Day 8/ June 28' 2013
Today I asked them to
start by doing 'commonality' Saurabh, Niranjan with Govind had to
find what is common to all 3 of them. They started and got stuck and
Govind asked me what are they suppose to talk about. I suddenly
remembered about “Communication Triangle”, a eastern model of
communication and I shared it with them.
They then got into
conversation and I had to go to finalize the house deal.
Once I was back I
checked and they shared with me what commonalities they have found. I
asked them to reflect on what level of communication triangle they
are at and most of what they had shared was at the level of facts and
some of it at the next level of opinions. I asked them to go one
level up and share feelings. I prompted them to discuss what makes
them angry. They were quite engaged in their conversation.
Next thing was for them
to collect whatever they find lying around/junk in the office and
terrace in 5 minutes. They had no idea what it involved and I had to
assert them to look more and get things. They collected some stuff
and went back to their place as if that was the activity :-) .
Pointing to a specific spot I asked them to put all those things
together and create a scene/something.
Reflecting on their
experience Gaurav said he liked the fact that they made something
from nothing and now he can see use of anything. Niranjan talked
about how this is engaging for children. I asked them what areas of
multiple intelligence does this activity incorporates and they
identified Spatial, logical and interpersonal. Govind suggested
kinesthetic and Saurabh asked why and Govind explained it to his
Focusing on earlier
activity commonality they agreed that it helped them know each other
better and it will affect how they work together. Responding too the
question about how they will use it with children, they were curious
about what age group children can do this activity. Saurabh made some
suggestion about how children can introduce each other and find
unknown faces and make groups. Expanding on their understanding I
shared how in smaller groups this activity can be done. As I was
talking about this activity I started talking about what kind of the
activity it is and what they need to do before doing this kind of
activity. Then I realized that I can share the nature of activities
and the dynamics they create that can be understood with a sequence.
As I was talking about
ice breaking we did 8-step dance while sitting and I explained the
nature of ice-breaking activities. Talking about deinhibitizers I
pointed to 'commonality' as an example. Distinguishing between the
two I shared about physical contact and that in the second stage they
can explore 'safe touch'. I also asserted about keeping 'safe touch'
in mind while working with children.

The next stage is
communication and I pointed to them previous experiences of what
happens and e talked about this being about ability to say what one
has to and at the same time listen to what others have to say. Again
discussing how having trust helps in communication. And how knowing
me has helped them express themselves viz-a-viz when they had met me
The final stage is 'problem solving' or in Hindi “साथ काम करना" . Here the English word implies working together and I am not sure there is a Hindi parallel. I reminded them of activities we have done that come in that category. I also asked them to look at all the activities we have done so far and put them in an appropriate category.
Post lunch as I sat
with Satya I asked Govind to take them through the list of Indicator
we have worked on so far and discuss possible activities with them.
Later on we spoke about
the indicators and discussed how we can do activities. We discussed
possibility of a 120-150 minute session.
I played “what is a human” with them, as we were talking about which activity to do for understanding how is their social awareness and idea about human rights
I played “what is a human” with them, as we were talking about which activity to do for understanding how is their social awareness and idea about human rights
As they tried
explaining what is human we came to a point where we said, “ so is
there anything that can define human being per say, one definition
for all?”. I shared with them that if they come to this point in
the activity they can stop the role play and ask children to reflect
on “how can we define a ideal human being” and the next step to
see what is missing and why!

We also discussed how a
play session will help us to build connection as well as make
observation and collect data for baseline.
Talking about data, as
we were discussing qualitative and quantitative I requested Govind to
sit with them and explore what indicators will need what kind of data
or a combination of it.
Saurabh said he has
learned about a new way of being and that he anticipates that there
will be some resistance but he feel confident to tackle it. He said
that this is like a method to change society, show people an
alternate way. He also said that he has learned that we can admit our
limitation and we do not have to be master of all. Children will
learn to value things when they get these opportunity. He also said
he will not bother his younger brother about study and only give
gentle reminder.

Day 9 / June 29' 2013
Today started much
earlier at around 7.45 when I thought of asking them if they have
ever done sudoku, after Swati's suggestion about it in Learning
Indicator activity. They had never done it so I asked them to pick
one form a newspaper and explained what it is. After attempting it
for sometime they were ready to give up and so I sat with them and
showed them couple of numbers and couple of ways of calculating it.
It took them around an hour to crack it with a nudge here and a
question there. They were happy with their accomplishment and they
said they can ask children to try it.
Later on we did couple
of activities(trust) where 2 people lean on each other for support
and have to lean back or sit down and its critical to be alert.
When Govind came he
also expressed that it's not something he likes, so I asked both of
them to explain it to him.
After some time I gave
them a brief about writing story of their name and they started doing
Knots – As
Sujeevak(Govind) had to do some accounting stuff with Ashok ji, I
started sharing with them how to tie some knots. They knew a couple
of knots and I also shared with them some knots, we tried doing a
'bow-line' (king of knots) even saw videos, we managed at first but
later on when we tired all of us had difficulty. I shared with them
how they can use this kind of activities with children and engage
them when they have few children and if they are waiting for
something/or more children to turn.
Then we shared name
story, it was intriguing that both of them had no clue what their
name meant :-) not that I knew and later on checked on google so
though Saurav is how he
spells it I checked Saurabh and it turns out that it means nectar or
fragrance, Niranjan I realized refers to supreme creator (who along
with Maya created this world), it means 'pure'.

Just before lunch they
learned 'dam dam dibi dibi' and Pankaj shared 'Hariyali idhar udhar'
and wrote it down.
Later in the day Saurav
shared that Niranjan had a upset stomach and I asked him why they did
not share it so far. Then again demonstrating the scientific approach
I asked a series of question,
- What is the big purpose of this organization ?( oh! That reminds me no one has talked to them about CSEI and what it does, a big picture kind of thing, or at-least this is what they said)
- What is your role in this?
- How can you do your job to the best of your ability?
It lead to them saying
they need to be safe and with a little push one of them said they
need to be in good health! So I pointed to them how they had to seek
support at right now so that they are able to function well!
Then all of us sat down
for planning. Govind has the whole plan as he has documented it and I
think already shared with the format.

Satya also mentioned
his concern about reporting and we discussed need for a daily report
and writing down their own experience for their own learning.
Later in the evening
Govind and me discussed what we need to observe in learning
indicators, what will be the qualitative and quantitative aspect of
observation. The format is still in making and everyone's suggestion
is required.
While talking about
indicator of social awareness we said a small group discussion with
children will work best. As we reflected it came up that if there are
30 children, all 3 of them can split and lead 3 groups. As it will
require asking searching question we discussed the possibility of a
role play for practice when Saurav and Niranjan visit the office on
July 5th I think.
As I am writing this I
a realizing that practice of some games will also help, so is it
possible to play for 30-45 minutes that day as part of the review
meeting :-)?Saurav /Niranjan /Govind can lead the session.
Govind and me also
discussed about report writing we brain stormed about what can help