Highest purpose of Education is to liberate us
Liberates us to access our rights and play our role in being equal and demanding equity
Now Picture this:
70-80% children of all ages not going to school.
Those who go do not have basic reading and writing skills even if they have finished primary education.

This is the story of children from Manjhi (Musahar) Community of 6 tolas in Lalsachak Cluster in Dhanrua Block of Patna, Bihar. During an initial survey we found that 250+ children are not even enrolled in schools contrary to what Government will like us to believe.
Through CLAY we aim to bring new realities to manifest in the life of children using experiential learning methodology of Play for Peace.
The first few steps of the programs are
- Understand learning ability of children through a baseline survey(not through a boring test but with an experiential session designed to observe children in action for their ability in reading/writing, comprehension, focus, curiosity, leadership, interpersonal intelligence, logic etc)
- Training peer-educators in Play for Peace and experiential learning to create a learning community
- Offer consistent learning session to children in the age group 10-14 for their growth
- To focus on developing leadership among children and also making them active players of their surroundings.

For this we need to work with school and the teachers to make sure there is no discrimination in schools. We are hopeful that
we will be able to work along with teachers to impact the learning environment of schools to make it fun and inclusive.
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